Terms and Conditions

Women Traveling The World Terms & Conditions

Women Traveling The World® (a.k.a. Women Traveling The World LLC, WTTW, Company, Merchant, us, we, our) provides women-only packaged group travel (a.k.a. tour, trip, vacation) that is purchased on an individual basis. Participation in our tours is restricted to individuals who are female-by-birth (a.k.a. woman, traveler, group participant, member, non-member, you, your, she, her) and are of a legal age to enter into a binding contractual agreement with Women Traveling The World. WTTW defines that age as 21 years old at the time of reservation.

These Terms and Conditions represent a contractual agreement between you and Women Traveling The World and contain substantial penalties for cancellation, as well as specific limitations of liability. It is your responsibility to read and comprehend these Terms and Conditions. You will be required to actively affirm you “have Read and Agree to be Bound by WTTW’s Terms and Conditions” to participate in any service WTTW provides. Contact WTTW at: info@WomenTravelingTheWorld.com if you have any concerns about these terms and conditions before using any services offered by Women Traveling The World.



1.1 Acceptance of Risk: Potential for Financial Loss without Receipt of Services

Women Traveling The World uses intermediaries and 3rd-party suppliers to arrange all services (i.e. lodging, transportation, sightseeing, guides, etc.) related to the tours offered and must enter into binding contractual agreements to provide these services for the group as a whole. You become a participant in the tour group upon receipt of the required payment and processing of your reservation.

Client acknowledges the potential for financial loss without receipt of services exists and accepts this risk at time of reservation. This includes but is not limited to imposed cancellation fees in the event traveler cancels; situations where the traveler elects not to, is prohibited from, or is unable to fully participate in the tour arrangements for any reason; where the tour as a whole, or the individual components of the tour, are delayed, impaired, modified or impossible to deliver due to no fault of Women Traveling The World.

Client payments, when due, are distributed to pay expenses WTTW has or will incur for administering your participation in the tour, and to pay intermediaries and 3rd-party suppliers to ensure availability of services and activities for the group as a whole as described in the tour.

Client acknowledges and agrees that upon the due date of each payment, the amount collected is non-refundable, non-transferable, and subject to cancellation penalties as stated in the tour, except where specific conditions are met as described under Section 3.0 “Cancellation by Traveler” and Section 4.0 “Unable to Operate the Tour.”

1.2 Travel Protection Plan (aka Trip Cancellation Insurance)
Women Traveling The World does not sell travel protection plans (aka trip cancellation insurance), they just recommend the service through a 3rd party. Client acknowledges it is her responsibility to determine the amount of coverage she needs to acquire to protect her travel investment from the risk of financial loss, to understand the coverage she has elected to purchase, and to be knowledgeable of her travel protection plan’s terms and conditions.  Client is encouraged to purchase the broadest amount of coverage with the least restrictions.

Declining to purchase an adequate travel protection plan could result in the loss of your travel cost and/or require more money to correct the situation. You also acknowledge that without this coverage, there may be no way to recoup any losses, costs or expenses incurred. If you choose to travel without adequate coverage, WTTW will not be liable for any of your losses howsoever arising, for which trip protection plan coverage would otherwise have been available. This includes all unforeseen or unknowable events that may impact travel.

Submitting an Insurance Claim: Client acknowledges she must cancel by notifying WTTW via email from the tour prior to submitting an insurance claim. Remaining on the tour while attempting to be reimbursed by insurance is unlawful.

Should Women Traveling The World become aware client has submitted an insurance claim without prior written notification of cancellation, client acknowledges she will be removed from the tour with an effective date of when Women Traveling The World becomes aware of the insurance claim. Cancellation penalties – as allowed by the tour’s cancellation terms and these global terms and conditions- will be based on the date WTTW becomes aware of the insurance claim.

Failure of Insurance Company to Pay Claim: Client acknowledges that Women Traveling The World is not responsible should client’s chosen coverage from her insurance company fail to pay her claim, in part or in whole, and agrees she will not reverse legitimately authorized payments to WTTW to recover the financial loss.

1.3 Use of FORMS and Email

ALL business transactions (100%) with Women Traveling The World are conducted through our website (www.WomenTravelingTheWorld.com). WTTW uses PCI compliant FORMS to collect information and payments from you and to receive instructions from you regarding your travel with us. This includes, but is not limited to, reserving a spot on a tour, making tour payments, providing information required to travel, and cancelling a tour.

We use emails to confirm business transactions and to communicate with you. You agree to provide a valid email address – that belongs to you – to establish a business relationship with us. You further agree to receive emails from @WomenTravelingTheWorld.com regarding the services you have purchased from us.

You acknowledge emails from us contain important information regarding the services you purchased and that some may require you to act by a certain date. Further, you acknowledge that your failure to read emails from WTTW or failure to take action by a certain date does not release you from any terms and conditions contained herein.

In the event you change your email address, it is your responsibility to notify WTTW immediately via email to: info@womentravelingtheworld.com, SUBJECT: Change of Email for [Last Name]. Provide your old and new email address in the text of the email.

1.4 Authorization to Charge Client’s Credit Card and Electronic Signature

By submitting a FORM that will result in a charge to your credit card you are providing your electronic signature that you have authorized WTTW to charge your credit card the specified amount on the FORM. The Confirmation Email we send to you after we have charged your credit card is your RECEIPT. It is the client’s responsibility to verify the amount charged is accurate and notify WTTW immediately if an error is discovered.

1.4.1 Illegitimate Disputes: Client acknowledges and agrees that initiating a dispute over the legitimacy of a credit card charge she previously authorized is illegitimate in the following cases:

1. To dispute any previously authorized payment that did not represent a mistake in the amount charged by WTTW.
2. To attempt to recover non-refundable payments and/or cancellation fees imposed by these Terms and Conditions.
3. To attempt to recover financial loss after client-purchased travel insurance fails to pay a claim, in part or in whole, for any reason.
4. To falsify information or facts to claim a refund is due.

1.4.2 Illegitimate Dispute Actions and Fee Assessment:  Client acknowledges that Women Traveling The World must expend significant resources to refute illegitimate disputes. Client agrees WTTW is entitled to assess fees in the amount of $500 per disputed charge to recoup our expenses. If the client has any Credits toward future travel, these credits will be forfeited to compensate Women Traveling The World.

If the illegitimate dispute is associated with a tour the traveler is currently registered for, she will be removed from the tour on the date WTTW is notified of the dispute. See paragraph 2.7.2 – Denial of Participation in Tour due to non-compliance with payment requirements.

Client acknowledges Women Traveling The World reserves the right to refuse future credit card payments from the client, and/or refuse future reservations from client, and/or bring legal action for initiating an illegitimate reversal, and/or hire a collection agency to recover any financial losses as a result of the illegitimate reversal.

1.5 Modifications to our Terms and Conditions

Women Traveling The World reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Your continued use of our website and services provided by Women Traveling The World constitute your agreement with the modified terms and conditions. If the modifications to the terms and conditions are material, WTTW will inform you by posting a notice on this website before the changes go into effect. The notice will designate a reasonable amount of time (the “Notice Period”) after which the new terms and conditions will go into effect for all users. If you do not agree with the new terms and conditions, you may cancel your reservation and/or membership in writing prior to the conclusion of the Notice Period. Should you cancel during the Notice Period, WTTW will apply the cancellation fees in effect for your tour or membership immediately prior to the date of the posting of the updated Terms and Conditions.

1.6 Acceptance of Terms

Acceptance of these terms and conditions, along with the requirements to participate in a tour, including the tour’s Payment Dates -and- Cancellation Terms, and any other official documents provided to you as part of the delivery of the tour, in addition to our privacy policy, constitutes the entire agreement between you and Women Traveling The World and both parties agree to be legally bound by the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement.



2.1 Overview of Your Tour’s Payment Schedule

Your tour contains your Payment Due Dates which can be found under the “Payment Info” tab which is located within the tour section of the website.

· Payment Types & Currency: MasterCard, VISA, Discover, American Express, personal check, Zelle, and wire transfer. All payments are in US Dollars.

· At Time of Reservation: A deposit is required to hold a space on the tour. The deposit due at the time you make your reservation is listed on the tour and is 100% refundable for 3 days after booking unless the booking is within 120 days, or less, of departure date, in which case is non-refundable.

· Additional Payments(s): On certain tours additional payments(s) are required. The date additional payments(s) are due can be found under the “Payment Info” tab within the tour section on the website. WTTW will send a reminder email approximately 7 days prior to the due date(s).
· Failure to Pay: A traveler who has not paid the required additional payments(s) 7 days after the due date listed on the tour will be notified via email that she has been removed from the tour for non-payment and her initial deposit forfeited, plus any other required non-refundable additional payments(s) already paid.

· Final Payment: A final payment is required to be paid by the Final Payment Due Date and can be found under “Payment Info” tab within the tour section on the website. This payment will be invoiced via email approximately 14 days before the due date.
· Failure to Pay: A traveler who has not paid her Final Payment 3 days after the Final Payment Due Date listed on the tour will be notified via email she has been removed from the tour for non-payment and the cancellation fees as of the Final Payment Due Date of the tour will be enforced.

2.2 Purchasing a Spot on a Tour

· Each tour is unique. It is the traveler’s responsibility to read all the information and meet all the requirements for travel as described in the tour.
· After pressing the tour’s Book Now button, the WTTW website will display a Travel Booking Form.  Once the form is completed, the website will display the deposit payment screen. Once WTTW     confirms receipt of the deposit and properly filled out Travel Booking form, WTTW will process the Reservation. It can take up to 2 business days to process the reservation. See NOTES section below.
· You will receive a booking confirmation email from WTTW to indicate your spot on the tour has been confirmed. It is your responsibility to verify the booking information and the amount collected is accurate and to notify WTTW immediately if an error is discovered.

Should the room type you chose be unavailable, the tour is already full, your credit card is declined, or any other reason the reservation request cannot be processed, WTTW will contact you for further details.

2.2.1 Room Type Selection

At time of reservation request the traveler will indicate her room-type. Not all choices may be available for your tour, or at the time you make your reservation.

· If at the time of booking, you book double-occupancy and need to specify who you want to room with -by name-, you must send an email to WTTW (info@womentravelingtheworld.com) with a SUBJECT: (Tour Name)/Roommate (by-name), following your booking, indicating such and the name of your roommate. Each of you must book a reservation naming the other as your roommate and pay the room-sharing cost for the tour. Additionally, each of you must pay the Double Occupancy cost if you elect to share the room before the tour begins or after the tour ends.

· Should your specified roommate not submit a reservation, cannot get on the tour for any reason, cancels her booking once on the tour, fails to show up at the start of the tour, etc., you will be automatically assigned a roommate (if available) unless you contact WTTW and pay the difference between the double-occupancy rate and the single rate to have your own room for the tour and for pre and post tour days, if applicable. See paragraph 5.5 of these Terms and Conditions for further details.

· Women Traveling The World reserves the right to require a traveler to be assigned, and pay for, a single occupancy room based on, but not limited to, history of inappropriate sharing behavior, or at our sole discretion for the good of the traveler and the good of the other group members.

2.2.2 Risk Associated with Double Occupancy

WTTW understands the benefit of room sharing (i.e. cost factor, rooming friends, etc.), however should your booked roommate cancel or become unable to travel, this is a risk to consider.

WTTW will attempt to find you a replacement roommate. However, WTTW cannot guarantee a replacement roommate.  Should this be the case, WTTW will notify you no less than 121 days from tour departure date that a roommate could not be acquired and the following options will exist:

· Cancel your tour, however the cancellation policies of Section 3.0 of this document will apply.

· Upgrade from the double occupancy rate to single occupancy rate.

2.3 Making Additional Payments, Partial and Final Payments

– Making Additional Payments(s), Partial or Final Payment for a tour is accomplished by contacting WTTW via email (info@womentravelingtheworld.com), and notifying us of the amount you would like to pay. WTTW will send you a payment link.
– If making a partial payment, the amount must be equal to or greater than $500.
– After WTTW has successfully received your payment, you will receive a revised Invoice. Otherwise, we will notify you that the charge was declined and instruct you to submit it again.
– It is the client’s responsibility to confirm the amount charged is accurate and notify WTTW immediately if an error is discovered.

2.4 Documents Required to Travel

– It is the traveler’s responsibility to obtain and present the required documents necessary for travel. This includes, but is not limited to, a valid government-issued photo ID, passport, visa, Letter of Invitation, shot record, proof of medical evacuation insurance, and any other documentation that may be required at time of travel.

– Travelers who have any question as to their ability to obtain and present the required documents necessary to travel to a country should address their questions to the embassy or consulate of the country to which they will be traveling.

– For tours requiring a passport, traveler must be in possession of a machine-readable passport valid for 6 months after her tour return date along with applicable visas.

– It is the traveler’s sole responsibility to secure and/or pay for any and all visas, reciprocity fees, affidavits, immunizations, tests, etc. that are required to be permitted entry into each destination. In some countries you may be subject to entry (reciprocity) fees and/or departure taxes/ exit fees which will be collected at the airports upon entry/departure by local government authorities.  Please note that entry to any country may be refused even if the required information and travel documents are complete.

– For up-to-date detailed information on travel documents and visas, entry/exit taxes and further information on entry and exit requirements, please check with your local consular services. Traveler understands that requirements for entry may change. Staying abreast of requirements for entry and obtaining and carrying these documents is your sole responsibility. WTTW bears no responsibility for such information and will not be responsible for advising and/or obtaining required travel documentation for any traveler, or for any delays, damages, and/or losses including missed portions of your vacation/holiday related to improper documentation or government decisions about entry.

– Any traveler who cannot obtain proper documentation to travel, no matter when or how that discovery is made, will be responsible for whatever cancellation penalties are in force at the time of cancellation from the WTTW tour or at the time of denial of travel.

2.5 Information Required by WTTW

WTTW requires the following information be provided a to facilitate arrangements for your participation in the group tour. This information is collected during the tour booking process on the website using our Confidential Travel Booking FORM.

Confidential Travel Booking FORM

Emergency contact and other information WTTW collects on the Confidential Travel Booking Form is essential for solo traveler safety should an incident occur. We share the dietary information; the other information is held in confidence and is only used in case of an emergency.

Passport data is required, and collected on this form for all international travel. Passport information is only shared when required by local authorities, to book international flights, and to assist in replacing a lost or stolen passport.
If not provided on the initial Booking Form, Please provide no later than 120 days before departure, unless instructed that this information is required sooner.
Past Due: If the failure to provide passport information interferes with group arrangements, a “final request” email will be sent to the traveler notifying her of removal from the tour if her passport information is not provided within 48 hours (2 days) of final request. If the traveler is removed from the tour, any refund of monies will be based on the tour’s cancellation terms as of the date of removal.
Final Travel Instructions (i.e. Travel Documents) will be withheld until such time as this information is provided.

Flight Itinerary and Details

This information is required in order to facilitate the necessary tour arrangements.
Please provide no later than 90 days before departure, unless instructed that this information is required sooner. Flight itineraries provided less than 90 days before departure may incur additional costs.

2.6 Additional Forms and Information Required to Participate in a Tour and/or in Specific Activities

Participation in certain tours and/or specific activities offered as part of a tour may require the participant to sign and return forms and provide information about themselves including, but not limited to release forms, consent agreements, waivers of liability, and/or disclosure of weight, height, and other personal details. These documents and information requirements are in addition to and do not replace any of the Terms and Conditions contained herein.

Failure to sign and return required documents and/or provide required personal information by the date stipulated by WTTW for participation in the tour and/or activities of the tour will result in denial of services in part or in full. No money will be refunded for any portion of the tour and/or activities unused due to refusal on the part of the traveler to provide required information and/or sign and return participation agreements.

2.7 Denial of Participation in Tour

Client acknowledges and agrees that Women Traveling The World can remove you from a tour you are registered for, for the reasons listed below.

2.7.1: Non-Payment:

Client acknowledges that she will be removed from a tour if she has not made a required payment by the stated payment due date. She will receive an email reminding her the payment is past due, and the date on which she will be removed from the tour if the payment is not received. Once removed from the tour for non-payment, WTTW will email client that she has been removed from the tour. Cancellation penalties will be applied based on the date of removal from the tour.

2.7.2: Non-Compliance with Payment Requirements:

Client acknowledges that the dispute of legitimate (i.e. not in error) credit card charge(s) makes her no longer in compliance with the payment requirements for the tour. Client acknowledges she will be removed from the tour on the date WTTW is notified of the dispute.

2.7.3: Failure to Provide Required Information:

Client acknowledges that she will be removed from the tour if she fails to provide required information by the date stipulated by WTTW for participation in the tour. This includes, but is not limited to, missing valid passport information that interferes with group reservations, missing proof of mandatory emergency evacuation insurance that interferes with group reservations, and/or failure to sign and return required forms and/or required information necessary for participation in the tour. Cancellation penalties will be applied based on the date of removal from the tour.

2.7.4: At WTTW’s Sole Discretion:

Client acknowledges that Women Traveling The World reserves the right to remove any client from the tour prior to departure for the safety of the client and/or to protect group participants. This includes, but is not limited to, indications of cognitive impairment such as dementia, abusive language and/or threatening behavior towards WTTW Staff or group participants, or discovery that the client does not meet minimum requirements for participation in the tour. WTTW will notify the traveler of her removal from the tour and reserves the right to impose all cancellation penalties in effect at time of removal from tour. WTTW reserves the right to refuse any future reservations from the client.


3.1 Cancellation Penalties

Land Tours:

If the date of the deposit is within 120 days, or less of the departure date, the deposit is non refundable.

If the date of deposit is 121, or more days from departure, you have 3 days to cancel from date of deposit and receive a refund. After that time the following cancellation penalties will be enforced:

· Following the 3 days the deposit is non-refundable.

· 119 Days to 91 Days from tour start date: Cancellation results in a cancellation penalty of 50% of your Total Tour Cost.

· 89 Days to 60 Days: Cancellation results in a cancellation penalty of 75% of your Total Tour Cost.

· 59 Days to 0 Days: Cancellation on or after this date results in a cancellation penalty of 100% of your Total Tour Cost.


If the date of the deposit is within 120 days, or less of the departure date, the deposit is non refundable.

If the date of deposit is 121, or more days from departure, you have 3 days to cancel from date of deposit and receive a refund. After that time the following cancellation penalties will be enforced:

· Following the 3 days the deposit is non-refundable.

· 119 Days to 91 Days from tour start date: Cancellation results in a cancellation penalty of 50% of your Total Tour Cost.

· 89 Days to 60 Days: Cancellation results in a cancellation penalty of 75% of your Total Tour Cost.

· 59 Days to 0 Days: Cancellation on or after this date results in a cancellation penalty of 100% of your Total Tour Cost.

Windstar Cruises (only):

Bookings cancelled at 121 days or greater from the tour start date will be subject to a $50.00 per person cancellation fee. Additionally, a full refund, excluding cancellation fee, will be made for cancellations received by WTTW at 121 days or greater from cruise start date.

· 120 Days from tour start date: 50% of Total tour Cost Balance Due.

· 120 Days or less from tour start date: Deposit is forfeited.

· 119 Days to 91 Days from tour start date: Cancellation results in a cancellation penalty of 50% of your Total Tour Cost.

· 89 Days to 60 Days: Cancellation results in a cancellation penalty of 75% of your Total Tour Cost.

· 59 Days to 0 Days: Cancellation on or after this date results in a cancellation penalty of 100% of your Total Tour Cost.


 Each tour lists the exact dates when cancellation terms will be imposed and the exact dollar amount or percentage amount assessed against your total tour cost – which includes any optional selections. This information is located under the “Payment Info” tab for your tour on the website- which you had to affirm you read in order to purchase a spot on the tour. The “Payment Dates -and- Cancellation Terms” for your tour are repeated in the Booking Invoice you will receive via email once confirmed on the tour.

WTTW will not make any exceptions to the cancellation dates or cancellation penalty amounts, regardless of cancellation reason.  We strongly encourage you purchase travel insurance to protect your investment. 

3.2 Notification, Effective Date and Acknowledgement of Cancellation

· Client must email info@womentravelingtheworld.com to notify WTTW of your decision to cancel.  No other method of notification will be accepted.
· The effective date of cancellation and removal from the tour will be determined by the date of receipt of Cancellation email.
· After WTTW has removed you from the tour you will receive a Cancellation Confirmation email detailing the disposition of your payments to date. A Cancellation Booking Invoice will be attached  showing what you purchased, payment amounts and cancellation penalties. Any refund due will be listed.
· Refunds, whether back to the original credit card used, or by check, can take up to 15 business days to be issued.

3.3 Expenses Incurred on Behalf of Client who Cancels

· Cancellation fees represent recovery of expenses incurred by WTTW on your behalf as of the date of your cancellation.  These expenses include, but are not limited to, administering your reservation, planning for your participation, and paying 3rd-Party suppliers for your participation – by name – in the tour. These expenses cannot be recovered, regardless of the reason for cancellation.

· Client acknowledges and agrees that should the tour not operate after you have cancelled, for whatever reason, client has no claim to further recompense.

· Client is reminded that the amount and type of trip cancellation insurance you determine is appropriate to protect you from the risk of financial loss is your only recourse for reimbursement of any imposed cancellation terms.

3.4 Credits (i.e. Voucher for Future Travel)

A credit for a specific dollar amount will be issued by Women Traveling The World in the following situations:
· When a client cancels a tour prior to the stated “last day” the tour deposit can be converted to a credit for use on a new reservation.
· As allowed by Section 4.0 “Unable to Operate the Tour” of these Terms and Conditions.

  WTTW does not allow travelers to “move” from one tour to another, or to “transfer” funds from one tour to another.
The process is:

  1. Cancel the original tour by emailing info@womentravelingtheworld.com
  2. Receive acknowledgement of the Cancellation Confirmation Email
  3. Submit a reservation booking request for the tour you want to purchase. Complete a booking reservation request on any tour accepting reservations at the time of credit availability and proceed with the deposit. Should any credits exist at this time, an updated travel invoice will be provided to you stating the credit(s) applied to the remaining balance. Client acknowledges credits will be held on client’s account for a period of time not to exceed 18 months (549 days) from date of cancellation, unless the period of time is modified as allowed by Section 4.0 “Unable to Operate the Tour” of these Terms and Conditions. Client further acknowledges that unused credits will automatically be forfeited if not placed on a future tour by the stated expiration date of the credits. Client acknowledges credits have no cash value, can only be applied as a credit to a tour she is not already registered for, and can only be used once.  Credits cannot be transferred to another WTTW member. If client cancels during the 3-day cancel without penalty period the 1st time she uses her Credits, the Used Credits will be stored with their original expiration date(s).  When the Credits are used a 2nd time, there will not be a 3-day grace period. Cancellation at any time will result in forfeiture of the total amount of parked credits used. If applicable, additional cancellation fees will be assessed based on date of cancellation. WTTW customers can find out their credit balance by emailing info@womentravelingtheworld.com or calling our office at +1 (866) 753-1552 and request the information.3.6 Reinstatement Fee to Join a Tour the Traveler has Previously Cancelled

Women Traveling The World will charge a $100 “reinstatement fee” should a traveler rejoin a tour she previously cancelled, regardless of reason for cancellation. The $100 fee recovers the expenses incurred by WTTW to reinstate the traveler on the tour.

There is no 3-day grace period on the 2nd reservation of the same tour.

The amount due at time of reservation, including the use of credits as all or part of the amount due at time of reservation, will become non-refundable upon processing of the reservation and will be forfeited should the traveler cancel at any time. If applicable, additional penalties will be imposed based on the date of cancellation.

Should the traveler cancel the same tour for a second time, regardless of cancellation reason, WTTW will not accept a 3rd reservation for the same tour.


WTTW will access traveler service fees, payable by the traveler,  for all travel related changes to a WTTW purchased itinerary, that are outside the inclusions of that itinerary. In addition, all airfare bookings will automatically incur a service fee.


4.1 Tours Lacking Enough Travelers

· At any time before the FINAL PAYMENT DUE DATE:  Clients will be notified via email when a tour lacks the minimum number of travelers to operate. All payments will be refunded within 15 business days. Any credits used will be returned to client account with a new expiration date of 18 months.

· 7 DAYS after the FINAL PAYMENT DUE DATE: In the rare event a significant number of travelers cancel and/or do not make their final payment, resulting in too few travelers to operate the tour, clients paid in full will be notified via email. All payments will be refunded within 15 business days. Any credits used will be returned to client account with a new expiration date of 18 months.

4.2 Tours Impacted by New or Ongoing Travel Disruptions

WTTW reserves the right at our sole discretion to cancel or reschedule any tour at any time prior to the tour’s scheduled start date when new or ongoing travel disruptions – that are beyond the control of and due to no fault of WTTW – could/do materially impact the ability of Women Traveling The World to deliver the promised tour services or could/do endanger the health and safety of our travelers.

While these events are rare, conditions such as terrorist activities, acts of God/Nature, government restrictions to travel, transportation strikes, and other situations unforeseen or unnamed, can and do happen.

Client acknowledges and agrees that the only potential recourse for reimbursement should these events occur is through the purchase of trip cancellation insurance that would cover such events.

4.2.2 Money will be Refunded IF:


If the Final Payment Due Date of the tour is still in the future when the tour is unable to operate, all payments will be refunded within 15 business days. Any credits used will be returned to client account with a new expiration date 18 months.

4.2.3 Credits will be Issued IF:

If the Final Payment Due Date of the tour has already passed, but the tour has not started (i.e. day prior to tour start date), and the traveler is unable to travel on the rescheduled dates of the tour.
1. The tour will be rescheduled. Travelers will automatically be transferred to the rescheduled tour dates and informed of the new travel dates and new cancellation terms.
2. If the client is unable to travel on the rescheduled dates, client has 7 days to submit an email request (info@womentravelingtheworld.com) for removal from the rescheduled tour and issued a future travel credit equal to the total amount paid. The Credit is valid for 18 months from date of issue (See section 3.4 Credits)and can only be used in part or whole on a future tour accepting reservations at the time of use.
3. If the rescheduled tour referenced in #1 above cannot operate for any reason, any clients still registered to take the tour at time of cancellation by WTTW, the total amount paid for the original tour, plus any additional payments for the reschedule tour, if applicable, will be refunded by check within 15 business days.

4.3 Force Majeure (Superior Force)

No refund or future credit for travel shall be due to the traveler from WTTW for failure to perform obligations related to delivery of tour services if such failure, whether in whole or in part, occurs on the tour start date, or while the tour is in progress, and is a result of acts of God/Nature (including fire, flood, earthquake, storm, hurricane, volcano eruption, epidemics, pandemics, or other natural disasters), war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, cyber-attacks, hostilities (regardless of whether war is declared), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or confiscation, terrorist activities, nationalism, government sanction, government border closures, government enforced quarantine, blockage, embargo, labor dispute, strike, lockout or interruption or failure of any mode of transportation, electricity, internet or telephone services, or anything else unforeseen or unnamed, any one of which could make delivery of tour services impaired or impossible to deliver or perform.

As a good faith effort, WTTW will work to determine if any remuneration may be available from the 3rd-party suppliers who are in possession of the money.
· Client acknowledges that determining the possibility of remuneration takes an indeterminable amount time.
· Client acknowledges and agrees that the filing of an insurance claim, and/or taking any action to dispute a previously authorized credit card charge at any time will result in forfeiture of all rights to any remuneration.

WTTW will communicate in writing to all travelers still eligible for remuneration the results of WTTW’s attempts for remuneration.
· Any client who rejects in whole or in part the proffered final terms of remuneration waives all rights to any recompense from Women Traveling The World.


5.1 Use of Intermediaries and 3rd-Party Suppliers

WTTW, and its employees, shareholders, agents, and representatives use intermediaries and 3rd-party suppliers to arrange lodging, transportation, sightseeing, guides, and all other services related to this tour. WTTW is an independent contractor and is not an employee, agent, or representative of any of these intermediaries and suppliers. WTTW does not own, manage, operate, supervise, or control any transportation, vehicle, airplane, hotel or restaurant, or any other entity that supplies services related to your tour unless explicitly disclosed in the tour details. WTTW is not affiliated with any other tour operator. All intermediaries and suppliers are independent contractors and are not agents or employees or representatives of WTTW.

Some WTTW tours, as noted in the itinerary, are scheduled with 3rd-party suppliers who sell their tours to the general public (example: a cruise ship, train, various available-to-the-public activities, etc.). The traveler acknowledges that other groups and/or individuals may be a part of the same tour or activity.

All tickets, receipts, coupons, and vouchers are issued subject to the terms and conditions specified by each supplier, and by accepting the coupons, vouchers, and tickets, or utilizing the services, all customers agree that neither WTTW, nor its employees, agents, or representatives are or may be liable for any loss, injury, or damage to any tour participant or their belongings, or otherwise, in connection with any service supplied or not supplied resulting directly or indirectly from any occurrence beyond the control of WTTW.

WTTW assumes no responsibility or liability, in whole or in part, for any delay, change in schedule, loss, injury or damage or loss of any participant that may result from any act or omission on the part of others; and WTTW shall be relieved of any obligations under these terms and conditions in the event of result of acts of God (including fire, flood, earthquake, storm, hurricane, volcano eruption, epidemics, pandemics, or other natural disasters), war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, cyber-attacks, hostilities (regardless of whether war is declared), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or confiscation, terrorist activities, nationalism, government sanction, government border closures, government enforced quarantine, blockage, embargo, labor dispute, strike, lockout or interruption or failure of any mode of transportation, electricity, internet or telephone services, or illness, accident, or death, or anything else unforeseen or unnamed, any one of which could delay or cause cancellation of services.

Client acknowledges and agrees that the only potential recourse for reimbursement should these events occur is through the purchase of travel insurance that would cover such events.

5.2 Risk Tolerance

By offering reservations for travel in particular international destinations, WTTW does not represent or warrant that travel to such areas is advisable or without risk. WTTW will not be liable for damages or losses that result from travel to such destinations. It is the traveler’s responsibility to determine her level of risk tolerance, including the decision to participate in a tour to a locale, city, country or continent where alerts and warnings have been or could be issued by official government agencies on or before the tour start date. If the tour is still scheduled to operate and the traveler cancels, regardless of the reason, standard cancellation penalties apply.

5.3 Additional Risks

Additional risks and dangers may arise including, but not limited to, hazards of travel by train, automobile, motor coach, aircraft and other means of conveyance, animal interactions, forces of nature, political unrest, other unrest, risks associated with water, food, plants, insects and differing animal regulation, and acts of national and local governments and unrest and acts of others against governments. These risks are not an exhaustive list but are examples of many kinds of risks. You are voluntarily participating in these activities with the knowledge that there are significant dangers involved, and you hereby agree to accept any and all risks.

As lawful consideration for the agreement with WTTW to participate in such tours and activities, you agree you will not make a claim against WTTW, its related companies or its personnel, or sue for bodily injury, emotional trauma, death, property loss or damage or other loss, cost or expense, however caused, as a result of or related to your contracting for, traveling to or from, or in any and every other way participating in the tour. You release WTTW, its related companies and its personnel from any and all claims, known or unknown, arising from contracting for, traveling to or from, and in any and every way participating in a tour. This release of liability and assumption of risk agreement is entered into on behalf of you and all members of your family and party, also including minors. This agreement also binds your heirs, legal representatives and assigns.

Where the guest occupies a motor coach seat fitted with a safety belt, neither WTTW nor the Operator nor its agents or co-operating organizations or service providers will be liable for any injury, illness or death or for any loss or damages or claims whatsoever arising from any accident or incident, if the safety belt is not being worn at the time of such an accident or incident. This exclusion and limitation of liability shall not be used to imply that the Operator or its agents or affiliated entities are liable in other circumstances.

5.4 Modifications to the Tour Package

Modifications by Women Traveling The World:

5.4.1 Itinerary Modifications:
Women Traveling The World may modify the tour package without notification to the client and make substitutions of activities, transportation, meals, or any other element of the tour package prior to departure at its sole discretion to facilitate the itinerary, to protect the health and safety of our travelers, and when events occur that are beyond the control of WTTW. If WTTW makes an itinerary change that materially affects the character of the tour in its entirety (a “Material Change”), WTTW will provide notice to all travelers via email as soon as reasonably possible, provided there is sufficient time to do so before departure.

Once a tour has departed, itinerary changes may be necessary because of unforeseen circumstances, operational concerns, or concerns for traveler health, safety, enjoyment or comfort. Any itinerary changes are at the sole discretion of the WTTW Tour Leader and Women Traveling The World.

5.4.2 Group Size Modifications:
Women Traveling The World generally works with a tour size of no more than 14 travelers. WTTW may increase the stated maximum number of travelers at its sole discretion and without notice when necessary to facilitate room sharing arrangements or other circumstances that could not be foreseen. In the event of groups in excess of 22 travelers, WTTW will send two WTTW Tour Leaders or a WTTW Tour Leader and locally hired Tour Guide who will travel with the group.

5.4.3 Modifications by Traveler:

The purchased tour cannot be modified, nor can any component of the purchased tour be rescheduled, modified, or credited back in anyway. This includes, and is not limited to, tour airfare that WTTW has facilitated (booked non-refundable), tour hotel accommodations, tour transfers, tour ground transportation, and any other component or details of the tour.


5.5 Double Occupancy/Room share Changes Prior to and While on Tour

5.5.1 Prior to Tour Start:
· If you specify a roommate who cannot get on the tour for any reason, cancels her booking once on the tour, fails to show up at the start of the tour, etc., section 2.2.2 applies.

· If you did not specify a roommate and your assigned roommate (name provided in Final Travel Documents) cancels the tour at the last minute or fails to show up at the start of the tour, section 2.2.2 applies.

5.5.2 After Tour Begins:

· Any traveler who has a roommate, but decides she wants a single room, for whatever reason, must arrange and pay for the single room directly with the hotel, if available.

· Roommate incompatibility, while rare, does occasionally happen. The WTTW Tour Leader is available to discuss actions that may be available to help resolve the conflict, including the possibility of changing roommates.

5.6 Arrivals, Departures, Transfers and Delays

· Tour transfers, included as stated in the itinerary cannot be modified as per section 5.4.3.

· Travelers arriving by air are responsible for allowing enough time to deplane, gather luggage, clear customs, and travel to the designated meeting location to join the tour. WTTW will not delay the departure of the group for travelers arriving after the designated tour start time as listed in each tour’s itinerary.

· Travelers are required to provide WTTW with their flight arrangements no later than 90 days of the tour departure. Travelers are also required to notify WTTW in the event the airline should change the arrival or departure time of a flight.

· On tours where scheduled transfers are provided, travelers who elect to take alternate transportation to the hotel, for any reason (including the inability to locate the local transfer provider), will not be reimbursed for the transfer expense incurred.

· Travelers who are delayed for whatever reason are responsible for notifying WTTW of their situation and to communicate regularly with WTTW as to their anticipated arrival time. Delayed travelers are responsible for joining the group as soon as possible and at their own expense if their arrival occurs after the last scheduled transfer.

· Travelers who are delayed or arrive late, for whatever reason, that results in not using or participating in the main tour’s inclusions or any pre-tour optional purchases will not be refunded. Adequate travel insurance is the only means to recover these costs.

5.7 Limited Participation or Removal from a Tour in Progress

The WTTW representative(s) has the authority to limit a traveler from participating in specific activities. Should the WTTW representative(s) determine the traveler is not physically or otherwise capable of safely participating in some or all of an activity, would significantly impact the group pace, or could potentially pose a danger to herself and/or others, the traveler will be instructed to modify or not participate in the activity. In the event a traveler’s participation in select activities is restricted, WTTW will not refund any monies or pay for alternate arrangements.

The WTTW representative(s) has the authority to remove a traveler from a tour. Should the WTTW representative(s) determine the traveler is not physically or otherwise capable of continuing the tour, is adversely affecting the overall group dynamics, poses a danger to herself or others, or is willfully ignoring the instructions of the WTTW representative(s) to the detriment or safety of herself and/or the group, the traveler will not be allowed to continue with the group. In the event a traveler is removed from a tour, regardless of reason, WTTW will not refund any monies. Transportation costs to return home, airline penalties, and any other expenses will be the responsibility of the traveler.

In the event a traveler voluntarily does not participate in activities, or voluntarily quits the tour prior to its scheduled conclusion, WTTW will not refund any monies for the unused portion of the tour arrangements. All expenses as a result of these voluntary choices will be the responsibility of the traveler.

5.8 Use of Travelers’ Images in Promotional Materials

Photographs and video taken by Women Traveling The World Tour Leaders and other WTTW representatives while on tour are the property of WTTW and may be used in promotional materials. Any traveler who does not wish to have her photograph or video footage used in promotional material MUST advise WTTW in writing no later than the tour’s Final Payment Due Date.

5.9 Sign up for Women Traveling The World Newsletter

By accepting these terms and conditions and making a purchase on our website, you agree to receive emails from WTTW for marketing purposes. Should you want to stop receiving these emails, you may unsubscribe at any time.


6.1 Severability

If any provision of these terms and conditions shall be held unenforceable, such provision shall be struck and the remainder shall remain enforceable.

6.2 Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

These Terms and Conditions and any agreement to which they apply are governed in all respects by the laws of the state of Florida without regard to conflicts of law principles. All traveler claims must be submitted in writing and received by WTTW no later than sixty (60) days after the completion of the WTTW tour. Traveler claims not submitted and received within this time shall be deemed waived and barred.

7.0 Deposit

By accepting these terms and conditions, you also acknowledge that moving forward and providing a deposit for this tour or cruise, that it is not refundable after 3 days of payment.
