Posts Tagged ‘international travel’

International Travel Checklist: Traveling Abroad Tips

Monday, February 16th, 2015

Traveling out of the country is an opportunity that people will tell you to take advantage of regardless of your age. With that being said, traveling out of the country, although an amazing experience, can also be a little daunting if you’ve never done it before. When you travel nationally, that’s easy, there’s no customs or excessively long flights you need to prepare for, and when you land, you’ll be surrounded by people who speak your native language; however, when you travel out of the country, that’s not the case.

Being in a new place can be eye opening and invigorating depending on what you make of the experience. Even if you’re on a business trip overseas, there’s still plenty of opportunity to enjoy the culture you’re temporarily visiting. Regardless of whether you’re on a business trip or just want to travel the world living that vagabond lifestyle, there are a few things you want to make sure you never forget because running into travel problems overseas can land you in some trouble. Though all this can be avoided by taking your due diligence prior to traveling abroad with the following international travel checklist.

5 Things You NEVER Want to Forget When Traveling Abroad

  1. Passport Renewals

    Obviously you can’t leave the country without your passport, but you want to make sure that it’s up to date well before you trip. Many countries will not allow entry if you don’t follow the “six month rule,” which is if your passport expires within six months of your travel date. This is a precaution in case you get stuck overseas longer than expected. Whatever country you’re visiting wants to ensure that you’ll eventually travel back to America so renewing your passport nine months before its expiration should be a safe bet.

  2. Checking the Weather

    When you’re traveling out of the country, you’ll quickly notice how the seasons differ. If you travel to Australia, their winter is from June to August while their summer is during December and February. So, that’s something you want to look into so you can pack accordingly.

  3. Electronic Chargers and Converters

    Many countries have different power outlets so, when you need to charge your phone, laptop, or tablet, you’ll want to make sure you have the proper outlet converter so you don’t blow a fuse. If you forget to buy a converter, they should sell them when you land, but either way; just make sure you at least pack all the chargers you’ll need.

  4. Credit Cards, Cash & the Exchange Rate

    When you travel overseas, many credit card companies charge a foreign transaction fee (some charge up to 3 percent). However, Chase Sapphire Preferred cards as well as Platinum Amex cards avoid charging you this fee. When it comes to cash, you’ll want to know the exchange rate in the country you’re visiting – this will also help you manage your travel budget.

  5. Research the Hotel’s Local Area

    Regardless of the country you’re visiting, no one wants to get lost. Therefore, make sure you carry something with your hotel’s address and information on it in the event that you do get lost; locals will better be able to help you find your way. Although large populations of people have a general understanding of the English language, there’s still a barrier that can cause confusion. When you have your hotels name as well as address written in their local language, you’re cancelling out any miscommunication.

Want to Travel Outside the Country?

If you’re looking to experience traveling on an unforgettable level, join us at Women Traveling the World where we visit some of the most amazing places the world has to offer. From Greece to Portugal, to Thailand and South Africa, we want to see it all and we want you to join us for it. Visit our website to see our upcoming excursions, and some of our past one’s to gather a better idea on what you can experience with our group.

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